Monday, March 9, 2009

Melissa is on DWTS!!!!!

Ok, just found out that Melissa Rycroft (the dumpee) from this season's Bachelor- is replacing Nancy O'dell on DWTS which starts Tonight on ABC! Last time I checked, Melissa was not a "star" I"m wondering what ABC considers a star? I know that this will be her 3rd Reality Show (she was previously on CMT's Dallas Cowboy's Cheerleader: Making the Team) but who cares, this is hilarious! I am already a fan of the show- and this season is sure to be dramatic... I just hope her parents will show up and support her this time! There are rumors already flying that Jewel is pulling out due to a knee injury as well and that Holly Madison from E's The Girl's Next Door may be replacing her (this is Hef's former girlfriend that left him for Chris Angel - Mindfreak) hhhmmm..."v-e-r-y Int-er-esting"

Lincee from the greenbeans blog may acutally blog DWTS this season- I sure hope so, it will be so entertaining! She was quoted saying that maybe Jason and Mol will show up in the audience and make out! LOL- too funny! I'm beginning to realize more and more that Melissa is a fame whore and just did her "part" on the Bachelor for ratings and to get to her next gig- or maybe ABC was scared she was pissed and would sue, so they booked her DWTS so she could "go places" whatever the case may be, I'm being sucked in , yet again to the pointless reality tv drama that ABC so gracefully produces and now, here I am blogging about it- but if you are into reality TV like me, hopefully you are enjoying this hoopla! I'll blog tomorrow on the show, the costumes, the judges reactions and of course on my other topic "American Idol"- finally down to the final 13! Competition is ON! Can't wait! Singing and Dancing- my favorites- probably b/c I can't do either one well at all!!!! Thanks for reading!


  1. Oh, I think she'll win too! The crowds will route for her big time. I'm a fan of the S.A.T.C. movie guy. He was really good! But yes...I think ABC made good on all the bad they did.

    I wonder if her family will show up to this. Jeremy thinks they are little people. HAHAHAHA!

  2. HAHAHAHAH...LOL- no he didn't? Little People, too funny!!!!! Maybe so! I am also a fan of the SATC guy, he is super sexy! You can tell Cheryl is loving being his partner!

  3. really? Melissa is on there? I may have to watch now.
