Wednesday, March 4, 2009

D-Bag Jason

Is this why Chris Harrison never said "this is the final rose?"

O.M.G. is what I have to say about this D-bag! Seriously- did he have to dump Melissa with 3rd wheel Chris Harrison on the couch? On TV? Really? I just don't get why he went through with proposing to her and then in 6 weeks time, dumping her- What the heck? Did he not learn anything from his experience on the Bachelorette? He and Molly deserve each other, I was never a Jason fan- he seemed like a weezle on the Bachelorette and he is seriously a cry baby...when he didn't get his way last season, he pouted and then this season every freaking girl was "A-mazing" the most "AAAA-MAAAZING" person he'd ever met and then he would cry when he had to let them go...really? Could he not expand his vocabulary?!?!?! Could he not refrain from crying for one second? I will admit, I was addicted to the show b/c of the drama (even if it was forced or fake) but the After the Final Rose pissed me off! He looked like a big fat dork on national television and how can he put his son through all this crap! I honestly think he has some major issues that he needs to work out before he gets down on his knee for a 4th time to either Molly or the next girl in his line... I'm not a Jason fan and could not care less what happens w/ him and Molly. I hope they go off to Seattle together and dork off together!
This entire process brings one question to mind...was this pre-planned? Did ABC plan this entire strategy out? This is the million dollar question...the only reason I'm even suspcious is b/c Melissa's parents refused to appear on the show- this makes me think that there is a possibility that they knew the outcome or that Melissa was a "plant" on the show to throw all the viewers off! ABC is never going to admit that this was a plot, b/c this is after all, reality Television and it's totally NOT scripted- right? HA! Well, I'm not sure what to believe or if I actually even just seemed odd to me that he never met her parents, then he proposes to her, then dumps her on TV- like let's just air all our laundry in front of the public eye...did he plan to be w/ Molly the entire time? Who knows...Who cares, I just hate how it ended and can't wait to move on to the Bachelorette on May 18th! is the BEST bachelor blog on the net! Lincee in HILARIOUS! I will just watch the show, so I can read her recaps and laugh my butt off the next day! Chech her out if you get a chance...thanks for reading!


  1. yea, total set up! Molly was just too calm when he let her down on the finale. I thought it so strange how she just kept staring at him and wasn't hysterical....I mean aren't all the girls crying their eyes out when they leave...even if it is the 1st rose ceremony.

  2. OOOOH. You are making me laugh over here!

    I'm SO mad at Jason. They set him up like he is such a great guy and then he does something so slimey and terrible...

    I felt really sorry for Melissa. I love that she had the guts to call him out about what he did.
